St. Giles’ Cathedral


Morning Service at 11am


Palm Sunday


Sunday 24th March 2024

Organ Music


Jehan Alain Le jardin suspendu

Louis Vierne Préambule






Holy, holy, holy,

Lord God of Hosts,

Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

Hosanna in the highest.


Music: John Sanders 1933-2003



Processional Hymn


All glory, laud and honour

to you, Redeemer, King,

to whom the lips of children

made sweet hosannas ring!


You are the King of Israel,

great David's royal Son,

now in the Lord's name coming,

the King and Blessèd One.


The company of angels

is praising you on high,

while we and all creation

together make reply.


The people of the Hebrews

with palms before you went;

our praise and prayer and anthems

before you we present.


To you before your Passion

they sang their hymns of praise;

to you now high exalted

our melody we raise.


Their praises you accepted;

accept the prayers we bring,

in every good delighting,

our great and gracious King.


All glory, laud and honour

to you, Redeemer, King,

to whom the lips of children

made sweet hosannas ring!


Text: St Theodulph of Orleans d.821 Tr. J.M.Neale 1818-66

Music: St Theodulph CH4 364 Later form of a melody by Melchior Teschner c.1615


Scripture Sentences


The Preces

O Lord open thou our lips


William Byrd c1540-1623








Lord Jesus Christ, on the first Palm Sunday you entered the rebellious city where you were to die. Enter our hearts, we pray, and subdue them to yourself. And as your disciples blessed your coming and spread garments and branches in your way, make us ready to lay at your feet all that we have and are, that we too may bless your coming in the name of the Lord.


First Lesson                 Isaiah 50  4-9a


The Choir sings PSALM 118  1-2, 19-29


O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: because his mercy endureth for ever.

Let Israel now say, that his mercy endureth for ever.

Open to me the gates of righteousness: I will go into them, and I will praise the Lord:

This gate of the Lord, into which the righteous shall enter.

I will praise thee: for thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation.

The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner.

This is the Lord’s doing; It is marvellous in our eyes.

This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Save now, I beseech thee, O Lord: O Lord, I beseech thee, send now prosperity.

Blessed be he that cometh in the name of the Lord: we have blessed you out of the house of the Lord.

God is the Lord, which hath shewed us light: bind the sacrifice with cords, even unto the horns of the altar.

Thou art my God, and I will praise thee: thou art my God, I will exalt thee.

O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever.



Second Lesson    St Mark 11  1-11




Go to dark Gethsemane,
you that feel the tempter's power;
your Redeemer's conflict see,
watch with him one bitter hour.
From his grief not turn away;
learn of Jesus Christ to pray.

Follow to the judgment hall;
see him beaten, bound, arraigned;
patiently he bears it all,
all our pain his soul sustained.
Shun not suffering, shame, or loss;
learn from Christ to bear the cross.

Climb to Calvary's mournful site:
there the Lord of glory reigns;
there, through weakness, wins the fight,
over sin our victory gains.
'It is finished!' hear him cry;
there, in Christ, we dare to die.

Text: James Montgomery 1771-1854 Revised Andrew Donaldson b.1951

Music: Petra CH4 377 Richard Redhead 1820-1901







Hosanna to the Son of David


Hosanna to the Son of David.
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.
Blessed be the King of Israel.
Peace in heaven, and glory in the highest places.
Hosanna in the highest heavens.


Music: Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625


The Offering




The Lord’s Prayer


Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done, in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.




Ride on, ride on in majesty!

Hark, all the tribes hosanna cry.

O Saviour meek, pursue thy road

with palms and scattered garments strowed.


Ride on, ride on in majesty!

In lowly pomp ride on to die:

O Christ, thy triumphs now begin

o'er captive death and conquered sin.


Ride on, ride on in majesty!

The wingèd squadrons of the sky

look down with sad and wondering eyes

to see the approaching sacrifice.


Ride on, ride on in majesty!

Thy last and fiercest strife is nigh:

the Father on his sapphire throne

awaits his own anointed Son.


Ride on, ride on in majesty!

In lowly pomp ride on to die;

bow thy meek head to mortal pain,

then take, O God, thy power, and reign.


Text: Henry Hart Milman 1791-1868

Tune: Crasselius CH4 365 Adapted from a melody in Musikalisches Hand-Buch Hamburg 1690




Organ Voluntary

J.S.Bach Valet will ich dir geben BWV 736



CCL Licence No 980930

Streaming Licence 57837

The service was conducted by The Rev Douglas A O Nicol