Intimations 23/03/2025

We welcome all to our services.

Please take this copy of the order of service away with you.

All are welcome to worship in St Giles’. As a congregation of the Church of Scotland we are Reformed in our understanding of the Christian faith, Presbyterian in how we make our decisions, and Ecumenical in our membership of the worldwide family of the Christian Church.

This service is being streamed live on YouTube, and will remain available to view via the St Giles’ website or the St Giles’ Cathedral YouTube channel. Still photography may also be taken for use on the St Giles' website or publications. If you wish to avoid sitting in the range of the cameras, please inform the stewards, who will be able to provide guidance.

The Offering: if you would prefer to donate by text-message, please text GILES followed by your donation amount to 70480 to give that amount: e.g. to give £5 text GILES5, to give £10 text GILES10. Texts will cost the donation amount plus one standard network rate message. Contactless facilities are also available near the West End exit.

During the celebration of the sacrament of Holy Communion, the congregation is invited to come forward to take the bread and wine: please take a piece of bread before you choose either to drink from the common cup or of one of the individual cups. The empty cups should

be replaced on the trays. Please note that at St Giles’ we use fermented wine.

Children’s Activity Packs, for use during church services, are available from the Elders’ room. Any family attending a service can ask a steward for a pack. Please return folder and crayons, after use, to a steward.

We give thanks for the life and service of member, Rev Donald Stephen (D5) who died on 1st March. His funeral will take place at 11am on Friday 28 March at Marchmont St Giles. Rev. Stephen assisted the ministry team for many years in the conduct of worship and pastoral care.

St Giles’ at Six this evening is given by School of Social and Political Science Choir, Edinburgh University, directed by Kirstin Anderson. You are encouraged to register at

We organise monthly activities tailored for young people and those under 40. We are delighted to welcome new and existing members of our congregation to the youth group. If you wish to join us in our next activity, please speak to Sam after the service or email

We are mindful of members of our congregation who would like to partake in the weekly communion services but are unable to do so due to health or other reasons. For these individuals, we would like to offer home communion. If you would like to receive this support, please get in touch with Corinne MacInnes at

If you would like to explore questions about the Christian faith in general or enquire about becoming a member of the St Giles' congregation, please speak to one of our ministers or contact the Cathedral office: 0131 225 4363

Further information is available at:

CCL Licence No 980930 MRL Licence No 980947

St. Giles’ Cathedral is a registered Scottish charity SC003565

Photography, filming, and sound recording are not allowed during services. Please ensure that mobile telephones are silent.