St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh

Midweek Devotion 26th January 2023

Led by Rev Sigrid Marten


Welcome to our Midweek Devotion on Thursday the 26th of January.


Jesus said to his friends,

“You did not choose me but I chose you.

And I appointed you to go and bear fruit,

fruit that will last.”

(John 15:16)


Our lesson today is written in the gospel of Luke, chapter 10 (verses 1-9).


There is a song in our hymn book which begins,

“Sent by the Lord am I;

my hands are ready now

to make the earth a place

in which the kingdom comes.”

(CH IV, 250)


I wonder how many of us today actually still have a sense of being sent by God? Being ‘on a mission from God’ sounds more like something straight out of the ‘Blues Brothers’ film, not really how most of us see ourselves. Some of us are too busy, some feel they are too old to do much, some think they have nothing to contribute. We tend to make our own decisions, choose what activities to get involved with, which people to mix with, and what we might want to say about our faith. We don’t like to be told what to do. Nor might we be happy to be as sparsely equipped as those first disciples were when given a task. We would expect a few training courses first, and all the kit we could possibly want on the journey.

And then comes the next hurdle: do we have a sense that we would be able to bring healing to people’s lives? Would we think it appropriate to tell folk that, “the kingdom of God has come near to you”? Do we think we have anything worth sharing?

So, would we be open to be sent? At a time when some people seem to be convinced that they are God’s gift to the world, and therefore rules of decency or even democracy don’t apply to them, maybe we should be glad that there aren’t more people who feel a sense of being on a mission. It could be an arrogant, patronising attitude towards those around us.

But at the same time, we should not underestimate ourselves. The apostle Paul says more than once that as members of the body of Christ we all have gifts to contribute, that we are all needed to bring near the kingdom of God.

Nor should we underestimate our God. Christ sends  out his friends to spread the Good News, to be teachers and healers. He sends them together. He trusts them with his message. Later they learn that the Holy Spirit will be with them always.

So, the question remains: would we be willing to be sent, to our neighbour, to our communities, to people who might be welcoming or hostile? Would we trust our God as much as our God trusts us with sharing the Good News?


Jesus Christ, our Healer and our Lord,

you sent out those first disciples

to continue your work of healing and reconciliation,

to spread the Good News of Gods love

to all the world.

Without their willingness to trust in you,

to go where you sent them,

we might not know you now.

So, send us, Jesus.

Teach us to trust in the gifts you have given us,

and in the Word of promise we have received,

not just for our own benefit.

Show us how to reach out to those around us

who are lost like we are lost without you,

who are in pain like we are in pain,

who long for wholeness like we do.

Show us the people, near and far,

who yearn for release from heavy burdens,

and give us the courage, strength and wisdom

to offer our gifts in your Spirit,

that all may have life, and have it in fullness.

We pray for your kingdom of heaven

to come on earth in the words

that Jesus taught us to pray together:

Our Father which art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name;

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

in earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, the power,

and the glory, for ever and ever.



May God who is the ground of hope,

Fill you with all joy and peace

As you lead the life of faith

Until, by the power of the Holy Spirit,

You overflow with hope.


Organ Music

François Couperin Cromhorne sur le taille