St Giles’ Cathedral, Edinburgh
Midweek Devotion 9th March 2023
Led by Rev Sigrid Marten
Welcome to our Midweek Devotion on Thursday, the 9th of March.
The apostle Paul reminds us in his letter to the Galatians,
“In Christ Jesus you are all children of God
through faith.
There is no longer Jew or Greek,
there is no longer slave or free,
there is no longer male or female;
for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”
(Galatians 3:26,28)
Our lesson today is written in the gospel of Luke (chapter 8 verses 1-3).
In the first half of this month of March there are several dates which focus on the role of women in our society, all in a slightly different way. The first Friday in March is traditionally the World Day of Prayer, which is prepared by women of a different country every year. On 8 March we mark International Women’s Day, and Mother’s Day is not far away either.
That is why it seems apposite to share our particular reading from the gospel of Luke. It is only a short passage, and it does not often get mentioned in Sunday worship. But it is an important text because it reminds us that women were part of the Jesus movement from the very beginning.
It would be easy to think that women only matter in our Bible stories as people whom Jesus healed, taught and forgave, like Peter’s mother-in-law or the adulterous woman. But on closer inspection, there is quite a lot of evidence that there were women among the first disciples, women like Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Susanna, “...and many others…”, as our text claims. It also says they provided for the group out of their own resources. Like Martha and Mary, they played their part in the work of Jesus and his friends. They had an important role in the life of that wandering group of disciples, including by supporting it financially.
In the same way that Mary Magdalene at Easter announced to the other disciples that she had seen the risen Lord, many women became members of the early Church, women like Eunice, Lois, Lydia, Priscilla and Phoebe. They too were spreading the Good News to those around them. As little as the Bible sometimes says about the women, we are offered glimpses of a community of women and men who together were living as people of the Way and were spreading the Gospel throughout the world. In the same way we today are called to live together as children of God, overcoming all division and welcoming all into the body of Christ.
Jesus Christ, you healed the broken,
You lifted up the downtrodden,
You embraced the vulnerable,
And brought hope to those who lived in despair.
We pray for all your children
who live in fear of war and oppression,
all who long for peace with justice,
those whose daily lives are fraught with danger.
We remember the many in this world
who have had to flee their homes
and rely on the kindness of strangers
for the provision of their basic needs
and the opportunity to rebuild their lives.
This week we pray especially
for the women of this world,
so often the first to suffer with their children
in times of war.
We remember the many women throughout history,
and still today,
who have been dismissed, belittled, ignored;
those who have suffered
both physical and psychological abuse,
sometimes from those closest to them;
women and girls who are not safe
in the streets of their neighbourhood;
women who have been excluded
by their communities,
or ostracised for challenging
limitations to their freedom;
women who are living with inequality
in their workplace,
whose unpaid work so often
is not recognised and valued;
women and girls whose choices are limited
by those around them,
who are not given opportunities
to discover their gifts,
to explore their potential and follow their dreams.
We remember our grandmothers,
our mothers, our sisters,
our daughters, our friends, our partners,
and we give thanks for who they are.
We pray for the people known to us
Who are suffering frailty and illness,
Those who are burdened with care and worry,
Those who have recently lost a loved one.
In a moment of stillness we remember
people whom we know
Who are hurting just now,
Whether in body, mind, or spirit...
God of compassion,
may they never be without a hand to hold,
and may we find ways of supporting them
Through difficult times.
May your Spirit of comfort and of courage
Hold them and surround them at this time.
We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ,
Redeemer and Brother of us all.
He taught us to pray together, saying:
Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power,
and the glory, for ever and ever.
The blessing of the God of life be yours,
The blessing of the loving Christ be yours,
The blessing of the Holy Spirit be yours,
To cherish you, to help you, to make you holy.
Organ Music
Dieterich Buxtehude Vater unser im Himmelreich